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The UK Direct Drive Collaboration is a multi-institution collaborative research effort lead by the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (lead PI Dr Robbie Scott, Glize), University of York (PI Prof. Nigel Woolsey, Antonelli), and University of Warwick (PI Prof. Tony Arber, Bennett).
The project is being performed within a wider international collaboration involving the AWE (Garbett), the University of Bordeaux (Batani, Tikhonchuk, Casner), General Atomics (Wei), UCSD (Beg), MIT (Li), and the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (Betti, Theobald, Regan, Rosenberg).
This work is funded by EPSRC grants EP/P023460/1, EP/P026796/1 and EP/P026486/1.
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